Select Font
Escape sequence: ESC f n
Hexadecimal: 1B 66 n
The printer can have a maximum of 10 fonts, including the two
standard fonts (Gothic and Courier) and up to eight optional fonts.
The variable n can be any value in the range of 0 through 9, where 0
designates Gothic, 1 designates Courier, 2 designates the first font in
option ROM 1, 3 designates the second font in option ROM 1, and
so on. The range of n for either option ROM depends upon the
number of fonts contained in each ROM.
Examples. If option ROM 1 has two fonts and option ROM 2 has
three fonts, then the range of n is 2 through 3 for option ROM 1 and
4 through 7 for option ROM 2. If option ROM 1 has four fonts and
option ROM 2 has three fonts, then the range of n is 2 through 5 for
option ROM 1 and 6 through 8 for option ROM 2.
Margin Control Commands
After the left and right margins are set, subsequent character pitch
changes do not affect them. The bottom margin must always be set
below the top margin, and both margins must be within the form
boundaries. Once the top and bottom margins are set, subsequent line
spacing changes do not affect them.
For any line feed operation that advances the print position beyond
the bottom page margin, the printer automatically positions the
printhead at the top margin of the following page.
Select Right Margin Justification
Escape sequence: ESC ]
Hexadecimal: 1B 5D
This command causes the printer to insert enough space between
characters to cause each line to occupy the entire space between the
left and right margins.
TI Model 855 Printer WP Emulation 5-12