Epson FX Printer Emulation Mode 8-33
Select Graphics Mode
Escape sequence: ESC * mn1n2
Hexadecimal: 1B 2A mn1n2
This command selects the graphics mode specified by the variable m
for the horizontal distance specified by the two-byte variable n1 n2.
The variable m can be any of the following values.
q NUL — 60 dpi normal speed
q SOH — 120 dpi normal speed
q STX — 120 dpi high speed
q ETX — 240 dpi normal speed
Reassign Graphics Mode
Escape sequence: ESC ? sn
Hexadecimal: 1B 3F sn
This command allows the computer to switch between graphics
modes. The variable s specifies the currently selected mode K, L, Y,
or Z from the standard graphics escape sequences. The variable n
specifies the new mode (0 through 3) specified in the ESC * commands.
Example. If the current mode is single-density and you wish to
change to high-speed double density, use the escape sequence
ESC ? K 2, where K indicates single-density and 2 indicates high-speed
double density.