TI Model 880 Printer Emulation 4-19
Horizontal Motion Commands
After the horizontal tab stops have been set, changing from standard
print to expanded print does not affect the tab stop positions. However,
changing the character pitch alters the tab stop positions in proportion
to the change in pitch.
Control character: BS
Hexadecimal: 08
This command causes the printer to move the printhead one space to
the left within the limits of the current left margin.
Tab Horizontally
Control character: HT
Hexadecimal: 09
This command moves the printhead right, to the next tab stop. If no
horizontal tab stops are set between the current logical print position
and the right margin, the printer prints the next character at the first
column of the next line.
Move to Column
Control character: DC4 n
Hexadecimal: 14 n
The variable n can be any value within the range of 0 through 255
and within the current line width.
Carriage Return
Control character: CR
Hexadecimal: 0D
If the printer is configured to perform both a line feed and a carriage
return upon receiving CR, the printer prints the current line, and then
performs a line feed and a carriage return. If the printer is not
configured to perform both a line feed and a carriage return upon
receiving CR, the printer prints the current line and moves the logical
print position to the left margin of the current line.