Note -
When expanding a CPU memory unit upper, first connect the PCIe cable to the CPU
Note -
Do not attempt to install a PCIe cable in the wrong direction. If excessive force is used
to install a PCIe cable, it may be damaged.
Note -
Ensure that the PCIe cables are firmly connected and secure.
When expanding the CPU memory unit upper or when replacing a PCIe cable,
connect the PCIe cable. You can reduce a CPU memory unit upper by performing the
procedure from step 2.
Connect the three PCIe c ables by m atching their position labels of the PCle
cable with the corresponding position marks on the P CIBP board (A in the
The direction in which the PCIe cables are installed varies depending on the type
of the CPU memory unit.
When reducing a CPU memory unit upper, you do not have to perform this step
because the PCIe cables are not present.
The connectors for the three PCIe c ables facing the outside of the C P U
memory unit
Figure 7-44
Installing the PCIe cables (with the connectors for the three PCIe
cables facing the outside of the CPU memory unit)
The connector for one PCIe cable fa cing the o utside of the CPU m emory
Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 125