Table C-1
iostat(1M) command options
Option Description Application
No options Reports the status of the local I/O
Allows you to view the device
status concisely in 3 lines.
-c Reports the rates of periods during
which the system has been in user
mode, system mode, I/O waiting,
and idling.
Allows you to view the CPU status
as a concise report.
Appendix C
Oracle Solaris Troubleshooting
This appendix describes how to use Oracle Solaris commands to display fault
diagnosis information and to take countermeasures. The commands listed here are
useful for determining whether there are problems in the system, the network, or
some other system connected through the network.
iostat(1M) Command
prtdiag(1M) Command
prtconf(1M) Command
netstat(1M) Command
ping(1M) Command
ps(1) Command
prstat(1M) Command
C.1 iostat(1M) Command
The iostat(1M) command periodically reports the CPU usage status, as well as the
terminal status, the drive status, and the I/O status.
Table C-1 lists the options of the iostat(1M) command and how those options can be
applied to solving system issues.