Note -
Place the removed XSCF interface unit on a grounded antistatic ESD mat.
Note -
When mounting an XSCF interface unit, check the connectors on both of the
chassis and XSCF interface unit beforehand to confirm that no pin is bent and all the
pins are neatly arranged in lines. If an XSCF interface unit is mounted with a bent pin
in a connector, the chassis or XSCF interface unit may be damaged. Also, carefully
proceed with the work to prevent any pin from being bent.
Note -
Reinstall the cables in their original positions by referring to the notes that you made
before the start of maintenance.
Note -
Ensure that the cables are firmly connected and secured.
Note -
In the case of a dual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referring to the record that you made before the start of maintenance.
20.5 Installing the XSCF Interface Unit
This section describes the procedure for installing the XSCF interface unit.
Support t h e XSCF i nterface unit from below with one h and and th en carefully
insert it into the chassi s .
Raise th e right an d left l evers a n d tighten the two screw s.
Connect all t he cables t o the XS CF interface unit.
20.6 Restoring the System
This section describes the procedure for restoring the system after installing an XSCF
interface unit.
Connect all the po wer c ords to the po wer s upply unit of the crossbar box
requiring mai nten ance.
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
Pow er on all the physical partitions.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t he rack d oor.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 2013342