Note -
Read and understand the instructions in this chapter before starting the maintenance
work. Also see the contents of "Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work."
Table 26-1
Types of maintenance for XSCF BB control cable
Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold System stopped
Build in g block confi g u rat io n
(without crossbar box)
Supported (*) Supported Supported Supported Supported
Build in g block confi g u rat io n
(with crossbar box)
Supported (*) Supported Supported Supported Supported
*: The XSCF must be configured as a slave before maintenanceis started. If it is operating as the master XSCF, switch it to a standby
Table 26-2
Maintenance flow
Details of update process Replacement
1 Preparation 26.3
2 Removing the XSCF BB control cables 26.4
3 Installing the XSCF BB control cables 26.5
4 Restoring the system 26.6
26.2 Before Maintaining an XSCF BB
Control Cable
This section describes the types and the flow of the maintenance of the XSCF BB
control cables.
26.2.1 Types of maintenance
Table 26-1 lists the types of maintenance for the XSCF BB control cables. For the
definition of maintenance, see "4.3 Understanding Types of Maintenance."
26.2.2 Maintenance flow
Table 26-2 lists the sequence of the maintenance procedure for the XSCF BB control
Chapter 26 Maintaining the XSCF BB Control Cables 403