Note -
Reinstall the cables in the correct positions by referring to the notes you made before
starting maintenance.
Note -
Connect the crossbar cables in their original positions by referring to the notes that
you made before the start of maintenance.
Note -
Connect the crossbar cables in their original positions by referring to the notes that
you made before the start of maintenance.
Lift the cable support to f ix it.
For details, see "6.5.2 Fixing the cable support."
If you are not using equipment rack model 26xx or equipment rack model 16xx,
the procedure ends here. You do not have to perform step 6.
Connect the crossbar cables t o the c able support.
Perform this procedure only when equipment rack model 26xx or equipment
rack model 16xx is used. The procedure may vary depending on the model of
the equipment rack.
Procedure when e q uip ment rack mo del 26xx is used
Remove the hook-and-loop f a sten er of the crossbar c ables from the cable
Remove the screw securing the cable ho lder, and then rotate the cable
holder through 1 80 de grees to i nstall it on t he supporting column at t he
rear of the r a ck.
Connect all the crossbar cables to the cro ssbar unit.
Use t he hook-and-loop fastener to fix the crossbar cables to the cable
Procedure when e q uip ment rack mo del 16xx is used
Remove the crossbar cables f rom the hook-and-loop fastener installed on
the s u pp orting column o n the rear of the rack.
Connect all th e crossbar cab les to the crossbar un it.
Use the hook-and-loop f asten er to fix the crossbar cables to the c able
7.6 Restoring the System
This section describes the procedure for restoring the system after a CPU memory
unit is replaced, expanded, or reduced. The restoration procedure differs depending
on the maintenance type as follows:
Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 147