testsb -v -y -s 00-0
testsb -v -y -s 00-0
Close t he rack d oor.
13.7.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR)
Return t o the op eration of the XSCF firm w are replacefru command to confirm
that th e chassis has been incorporat ed into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Execute the testsb command to confirm that th e PCIe card requiring
maintenance is recognized.
When you enter the "-y" option for the testsb command, the system automatically
answers "y" (yes) in response to an inquiry.
The following example shows the diagnosis of system board 00-0.
During the diagnosis processing, the show-devs command of OpenBoot PROM
is executed, and the result is displayed.
Incorporate i nto the ph ysical partition t h e chassis in which the PCIe card
requiring mai nten ance is mo unted .
For details, see "6.2 Incorporating a Chassis into a Physical Partition."
Close t he rack d oor.
13.7.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance
Log in to the XSCF s hell.
Execute the testsb command to confirm that th e PCIe card requiring
maintenance is recognized.
When you input optional "-y" for the testsb command, the system automatically
answers "y" (yes) in response to an inquiry.
The following example shows the diagnosis of system board 00-0.
Pow er on the physical p artition requiring main t enan ce.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t he rack d oor.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 2013262