ldm stop iodomain
ldm remove-io /BB1/PCI0 iodomain
Note -
Inactive/hot maintenance can be performed only for a building block configuration.
For a single-chassis configuration, system-stopped maintenance should be performed.
Release fr o m the ph ysical partition t he chassis i n which t h e PCIe card
requiring maintenance is mou nted.
For details, see "5.2 Releasing a Chassis from the Physical Partition."
Execute the replacefru command to releas e the chassis requiring m aint ena nce
from th e system.
For details, see "5.1 Releasing an FRU from the System with the replacefru
13.4.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance
Open the r ack do or.
Confirm th e hardware and software configurations.
For details, see "4.2 Confirming the System Configuration."
Pow er off the physical partition requiring maintenance.
For details, see "5.3 Powering Off the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
13.4.4 System-stopped maintenance
The PCIe cards can be removed/installed while the input power to the chassis is on
(power cord is connected). System-stopped maintenance is also described as
maintenance performed while the power cord remains connected.
Open the r ack do or.
Confirm th e hardware and software configurations.
For details, see "4.2 Confirming the System Configuration."
Stop t h e entire system.
For details, see "5.4 Stopping the Entire System."
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 2013252