*5 to *8 in the figure correspond to the above ldm list-io -l command execution example.
Assign a PCIe endpoint device to I/O domain
Table 13-3
Whether PHP can be used
Root Complex PCIe s lot Can PHP be
Remarks Reference
Control domain Control domain Yes See *5 in the example of
executing the ldm list-io -l
"13.4.1 Active/Hot
maintenance (with PHP)"
PCIe card belongs to is assigned. (*1 to *4 in the execution example)
*1: PCIE1 is assigned to primary.
*2: PCIE2 is assigned to primary.
*3: PCIE3 is assigned to rootdom.
*4: PCIE6 is assigned to rootdom.
Determine whether PHP can be used , combining the two pieces of information
described above b ased on the confirmation results obtained in step 5.
- Suppose that both of the logical domains to which the PCIe slot and the PCIe
root complex are assigned are found to be a control domain (primary). In this
case, active/hot maintenance can be performed using PHP from the control
domain. (*5 in Figure 13-2)
- Suppose that both of the logical domains to which the PCIe slot and the PCIe
root complex are assigned are found not to be a control domain but the same
logical domain (root domain). In this case, active/hot maintenance can be
performed using PHP from the root domain. (*7 in Figure 13-2)
- In cases other than the above (those where the domains are found to be I/O
domains), PHP cannot be used. Thus, see Table 13-4 for an appropriate
maintenance procedure. (*6 and *8 in Figure 13-2)
Figure 13-2
Confirming assignment to logical domains
Chapter 13 Maintaining the PCI Express Cards 245