Capacity on Demand
This chapter describes how to manage system resources with the Capacity on
Demand (COD) feature of your server.
Note – The COD feature is available only on high-end servers and those midrange
servers designated as COD models. If you have a midrange server that is not a COD
model, the information in this section does not apply.
This chapter contains these sections:
■ About Capacity on Demand
■ XSCF Shell Procedures for Using COD
■ Related Information
For information on ordering and purchasing COD licenses, refer to the COD User’s
Guide for your server.
About Capacity on Demand
Capacity on Demand is an option that allows you to purchase spare processing
resources (CPUs) for your server. The spare resources are provided in the form of
one or more CPUs on COD boards that are installed on your server.
However, to access these COD CPUs, you must first purchase the COD right-to-use
(RTU) licenses for them. Under certain conditions, you can use COD boards before
entering the license information.
Note – The term COD board refers to a COD system board in a high-end server, and
to a single-board COD model midrange server.