
TABLE 1-1 Software Services 3
TABLE 2-1 User Privileges 10
TABLE 3-1 XSCF Network Interfaces 20
TABLE 3-2 LDAP LDIF File Attributes 22
TABLE 3-3 XSCF and Domain Time Synchronization 24
TABLE 4-1 Boards, Domains, and Domain ID Numbers 51
TABLE 4-2 Resource Assignment in Quad-XSB Mode on an M4000 Midrange Server 53
TABLE 4-3 Resource Assignment in Quad-XSB Mode on an M5000 Midrange Server 53
TABLE 4-4 Resource Assignment in Quad-XSB Mode on a High-end Server 54
TABLE A-1 LSB Numbers and Starting Processor Numbers 92
TABLE A-2 LSB Numbers and Device Path Values 94
TABLE A-3 I/O Device Mapping on a Midrange Server 95
TABLE A-4 Internal Devices and Device Paths on the M4000 and M5000 Servers 95
TABLE A-5 Internal Devices and Device Paths on the M5000 Server 96
TABLE A-6 I/O Device Mapping on a High-end Server 96
TABLE A-7 Internal Devices and Device Paths on a High-end Server 97
TABLE A-8 cfgadm Device Matrix for Midrange Servers 99
TABLE A-9 cfgadm Device Matrix for High-End Servers 101