Chapter 7 Capacity on Demand 85
b. Enter the number of licenses reserved for each domain.
The currently reserved number appear in parentheses. Do not exceed the
number of available licenses. To leave a reservation unchanged, press Return.
3. Verify the allocation with the showcod command.
▼ To Increase or Decrease Headroom
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm privileges.
2. Type the setcod command.
You can use one of two methods, as follows.
■ Use setcod command with the headroom option:
where headroom can be a number from 1 to 4. For example:
■ Use the setcod command with no options.
If you are not sure of the headroom that is available, enter the setcod command
with no options; the output displays the number of available licenses and the
current headroom quantity (a number from 0 to 4).
You are prompted to enter the headroom number. Press Return when finished.
XSCF> setcod headroom
XSCF> setcod 4
XSCF> setcod
PROC RTUs installed: 8
PROC Headroom Quantity (0 to disable, 4 MAX) [0]:4
WARNING: Using headroom requires you to install license key(s)
within 30 days. Do you agree? [y|n]: y