14 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers Administration Guide • November 2007
■ If the switch is in the Locked position, turn it to the Service position, leave it there
for at least five seconds, and then turn it back to the Locked position. Press the
Enter key.
When the toggling is successful, you are logged in to the Service Processor shell
as the account default.
As this account has useradm and platadm privileges. you can now configure
the Service Processor or reset passwords.
When the shell session ends, the default account is disabled. When an account is
disabled, it cannot be used to log in at the console. It will then not be possible to
login using this account again except by following this same procedure.
Note – You can use the setupplatform(8) command rather than the following
steps to perform Service Processor installation tasks. For more information, see the
setupplatform(8) man page.
▼ To Configure an XSCF Password Policy
1. Log in to the XSCF console with useradm privileges.
2. Type the setpasswordpolicy command:
where option can be one or more of the options described in the
setpasswordpolicy(8) man page.
Note – The password policy applies only to users added after the
setpasswordpolicy(8) command has been executed.
3. Verify that the operation succeeded by typing the showpasswordpolicy
XSCF> setpasswordpolicy option