User’s Manual of WSD-800 / WGSD-910/WGSD-1022C
only used internally within the Switch). Untagging is used to send packets from an 802.1Q-compliant
network device to a non-compliant network device.
Frame Income
Frame Leave
Income Frame is tagged Income Frame is untagged
Leave port is tagged Frame remains tagged Tag is inserted
Leave port is untagged Tag is removed Frame remain untagged
Here pay attention to the explainion of “Access”, ”Always Untag”and “Trunk”.
。 Access: Ports will strip the 802.1Q tag from all packets that out of those ports. If the packet doesn’t have an
802.1Q VLAN tag, the port will not alter the packet. Thus, all packets received by and forwarded by an
untagging port will have no 802.1Q VLAN information. Untagging is used to send packets from an
802.1Q-compliant network device to a non-compliant network device.
Ports with “Access” mode belong to a single untagged VLAN.
。 Trunk: Ports with tagging enabled will put the VID number, priority and other VLAN information into the
header of all packets that out of those ports. If a packet has previously been tagged, the port will not alter the
packet, thus keeping the VLAN information intact. The VLAN information in the tag can then be used by
other 802.1Q compliant devices on the network to make packet forwarding decisions.
。 Always Untag: The port belongs to VLANs, and each VLAN is user-defined as tagged or untagged (full
802.1Q mode). Ports will strip the 802.1Q tag from all packets that out of those ports.
Port Mode VLAN Membership Frame Leave
Access Belongs to a single untagged VLAN
( Tag=PVID be removed)
Always Untag
Allowed to belongs to multiple untagged
VLANs at the same time
(Tag=PVID be removed)
Allowed to belongs to multiple Tagged
VLANs at the same time
(Tag=PVID or Original VID be remained)
Set the port VLAN ID that will be assigned to untagged traffic on a given port. This feature is useful for
accommodating devices that you want to participate in the VLAN but that don’t support tagging. The Switch allows
each port to set one PVID, the range is 1~255, default PVID is 1. The PVID must be the same as the VLAN ID that
the port was defined as belonging to in the VLAN group, or the untagged traffic will be dropped.
1. Select 802.1Q VLAN in the VLAN Type field and click on the “OK” button.