GE X3.28 Satellite TV System User Manual

Restricted A197-0CG-1.00-2
Appendix A: Messages Logged by the
This appendix contains a description of all error messages posted to the WESMAINT Error Log
by the ANSI X3.28 DCA. This appendix also provides an explanation of all output return codes
returned by the ANSI X3.28 DCA.
During startup, the ANSI X3.28 DCA checks its configuration tables for invalid entries. If no
configuration errors are encountered the DCA attempts to spawn a number of processes during
start-up. If any invalid data is found or a problem is encountered while starting one of the
processes, an error message is logged to the WESMAINT Error Log.
Messages logged to the WESMAINT Error Log by the DCA will be pre-pended with a process
name. This name will be one of the following:
A197-<x>-<yy>: Where <x> is one of E, C R, T or S
<yy> is a process number
Expressions in angular brackets like "<xx>", are filled with the appropriate values by the DCA.