3654 Portable H2/N2 Analyzer - Options Setup 31 of 66
Operator Manual
3.4.3 Membrane Selection
You may find it necessary to use a different type of membrane for different applications.
Naturally, with any membrane change, you will need to re-calibrate (see also “Sensor
Calibration” on page 36).
You should also consider the changes in required flow rates and response times, which
are listed in “Sensor Specifications” on page 56.
To re-configure the analyzer, choose Configuration, Membrane to bring up the box
which reveals the membrane models available.
Only those membranes applicable to your system can be selected. All other membranes
are grayed out.
3.4.4 Automatic Data Acquisition - Setting Sampling Intervals
The analyzer can perform as a standalone data acquisition device, automatically
recording gas measurements with the date and time, and storing up to 500 of these
values. Choosing the WIN3654 program's Configuration, Sampling Rate menu lets
you select time intervals (acquisition rate) for this storage capability.
The Acquisition rate set via this menu is independent from the monitoring chart updating
rate described in “Monitoring Measurements In Real-Time” on page 25. The sampling
rate menu applies only to automatic data acquisition, while the chart updating rate is
used only for displaying real-time results via the monitoring chart.
Membrane 29561A is available for any gas measurement.
Membranes 2935A and 2952A are available for H
measurement only.
Choose OK when the desired membrane is selected.
Use the slide bar to view and select a sampling rate, from
15 seconds to 1 hour. The selected rate is shown in the
Acquisition rate window.
Click OK to save this rate. Once your choice is made, the
analyzer can be used independently of the WIN3654
program for data acquisition, as described in “Automatic
Data Acquisition” on page 20.