Hitachi 32FX41B, 32UX51B, 36FX42B, 36UX52B, 36CX35B CRT Television User Manual

Contrast Adjust contrast.
Brightness Adjust brightness.
Color Adjust color.
Tint Adjust tint.
Sharpness Adjust sharpness.
Color Temp. Select warm or cool color temperature.
Reset Set VIDEO settings to factory preset condition.
Bass Adjust bass.
Treble Adjust treble.
Balance Adjust balance.
Reset Set AUDIO settings to factory preset.
Advanced Settings Improve sound performance.
Volume Correction Lower volume on selected channels.
Surround* Special sound effects.
Off Surround On and Off.
Music Listener has the feeling of being in a concert hall.
Movies Listener has the feeling of being in a movie theater.
Simulate At mono input, sound is increased simulating a stereo like surround.
l) ** Sound Retrieval System.
Off SRS Off.
On Exciting and realistic 3D sound experience from just two speakers.
Special Event Reminder Set TV to remind you of birthdays, etc.