FlipScreen Owner’s Manual
Internet Questions
Q: What are the requirements for which Broadband carriers I can
A: At this time, any Broadband service provider’s technology
should work with the iCEBOX. No additional software needs
to be installed onto the iCEBOX FlipScreen.
Q: What are the requirements for which Dial-Up ISPs I can use?
A: As of the publishing of this document, the iCEBOX FlipScreen
cannot support downloaded ISP software, such as that pro-
vided by AOL®. However, you can still access your Email at
the AOL Anywhere® or MSN Hotmail® sites. All other major
ISPs, such as Earthlink™, will work with the iCEBOX. More
information about Web-Based Email is available in the iCE-
BOX Help.
Q: What does it mean when the same Web site viewed on my
iCEBOX looks slightly different from how it looks on my PC?
A: If this occurs, it will occur very rarely. It is a result of very
minor differences between your iCEBOX browser and the
browser on your PC. The iCEBOX browser is built on
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.
Q: Can I use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect my iCE-
BOX through my existing PC running the Windows operating
A: If your existing PC is running Windows 98 Second Edition,
Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), or Win-
dows XP with Internet Connection Sharing installed, your
iCEBOX, as well as other computers on your LAN, can then
gain access to the Internet through the connection on the com-
puter that has Internet Connection Sharing installed. For more
information about ICS, visit http://www.microsoft.com
DVD and CD Questions
Q: Why don’t some DVD buttons on the remote and keyboard
work with all DVDs?
A: Not all DVDs are published with all of the features that the
iCEBOX is capable of supporting. In some cases, DVD manu-
facturers have certain features available only at specific times.
In addition, certain content will not respond to all commands.
For example, the
Stop button will not affect the “FBI Warning”