20. EPG
EPG (Electronic Program Guide) is an electronic
TV guide covering all major channels. The guide
may be made up of details from NexTView
and/or DVB-SI.
The NexTView information is broadcast by various
channels and also includes information for other
broadcasting organizations.
DVB-SI (Digital Video Broadcasting-Service Infor-
mation) is a service provided by different broad-
casters. Programme details are broadcast digitally
by each broadcaster exclusively for those pro-
grammes it offers.
NexTView and DVB-SI are similar in principle,
but their content may differ in the detail offered.
The function is activated by pressing the button
marked “EPG”.
NexTView details
Before NexTView details can be received, a new
programme slot must be created in the menu. If
the menu does not contain a slot for NexTView,
the following text applies.
A message will appear for all slots programmed
to receive NexTView:
In this way, the TV asks whether this slot should be
used to compile the information for the EPG pro-
gramme guide.
Accept this programme as an EPG programme ?
Any other key close the window.
20.1 Activating the EPG
Not possible with an external receiver !
8) NexTView is transmitted by
the following broadcasting
D and A: Kabel1,
CH . . . .SF1, TSR1, TSI1,
F: . . . . . .Canal+, M6, TV5
Status as of 18 Aug 2006
606 47 2030.A1 ML GB 16.04.2007 12:34 Uhr Seite 50