Mitsubishi Electronics FX3S-MT/ESS Home Theater Server User Manual

Appendix A: Special Device List
FX3S Series Programmable Controllers
User's Manual - Hardware Edition
Appendix A-3 Analog expansion boards [M8260 to M8269 and D8260 to D8269]
Appendix A-3 Analog expansion boards [M8260 to M8269 and D8260 to D8269]
When analog expansion boards are connected, operations and functions are assigned to the devices shown
in the tables.
Devices which cannot be written are shaded in "Operation and function" column.
For details, refer to the Analog Control Edition.
Appendix A-3-1 Special auxiliary relays (M8260 to M8269)
Appendix A-3-2 Special data registers (D8260 to D8269)
Operation and function
M 8260 Input mode switching Ch1 Output mode switching
M 8261 Input mode switching Ch2 Not used
M 8262 Not used Not used
M 8263 Not used Not used
M 8264 Not used Output hold mode
M 8265 Not used Not used
M 8266 Not used Not used
M 8267 Not used Not used
M 8268 Not used Not used
M 8269 Not used Not used
Operation and function
D 8260 Input data Ch1 Output data
D 8261 Input data Ch2 Not used
D 8262 Not used Not used
D 8263 Not used Not used
D 8264
Averaging time for Ch1
(1 to 4095)
Not used
D 8265
Averaging time for Ch2
(1 to 4095)
Not used
D 8266
Not used Not used
D 8267
Not used Not used
D 8268 Error status Error status
D 8269 Model code: K3 Model code: K4