2.3 Setup input, output & 24VDC power supply cards
Analog input card ( part numbers AI181, AI182, AI183 )
AI181, AI182, AI183 are analog input cards in 1, 2, 3 channels respectively. Each card includes
universal input of TC ( J, K, T, E, B, R, S, N, L ), PT100, mV, mA, V. To select a specific
input, first set jumpers and switches according to the sticker information on the card as Figure
2–15, and plug it into the rear slot then power on. The recorder will automatically detect the
card and display the specific input type, then show its source of a specific slot in Configuration
Mode. All inputs were initially set for 4-20mA from the factory.
Figure 2 – 15
Digital Output card ( DO181 ) / 6 relay alarm card
The digital output card includes 6 relays rated 5 Amp/240 VAC. Plug the card into rear slot and
power on. The recorder will automatically detect the card and then display the output type and
its source of a specific slot in System Info mode whilst doing the configuration. To set up the
digital output card, please refer to Event, Job of 4.1 Channel.