3. Basic Operation
After installation and wiring, power on the recorder, six soft keys Page, Mode, History, Event,
Status and Exit will appear on the left hand side of LCD display. Opening the plastic cover at
the front of the recorder, the user may find another five soft keys Dump, Clear, Operate, Config
and Shutdown. These eleven soft keys are used for operation. On the top right side, small
icons of buzzer, evnt, mem, CF and Date/Time display.
Figure 3 – 1
Soft keys :
3.1 Page
Page means the display. The recorder can have a maximum of 6 Pages and each Page can
display a maximum of 6 channels. A channel can display either measured data or computed
measured data. If channels cover more than one page, press the Page key, to move forward
from Page 1 to Page 2…