You can change the order of numeral edit settings that have already been
1, 2, 3...
1. Press F2 (Change Order). A list of numeral edit settings will be dis-
played on the screen.
2. Move the bar cursor to the numeral edit setting for which you want to
change the order, and press the Space Key. The new order will be dis-
played in the order column.
3. To change the set order, press the Enter Key, or to cancel the operation
without changing the order, press the Escape Key.
Note If a numeral display is set for the selected numeral edit settings, then those
settings will be shown in a guide box.
Input Key Layout Numeral input keys can be placed as desired on the PT screen if the Keypad
setting in the screen attributes is set to “user.” The layout operation is per-
formed starting from the Screen Selection Display.
Note Screen attributes for child screens for overlapping screen settings are over-
ridden by those of the parent screen, i.e., parent screen attributes take prior-
Use the following procedure to create and layout keys for numeral input.
1, 2, 3...
1. Set the “Keypad” screen attribute to “User.” Refer to page 78 for the set-
ting procedure. The default attribute is “System,” and will have to be
changed. If this attribute is set to “System” the input keys for numeral
editing will appear in their normal fixed positions when the F4 Key is
pressed in the next step.
2. Create and place the input keys as desired using either the touch switch
function described on page 46 or press the F4 Key from the Numeral
Editing Display and use the edit function described on page 87.
Key allocations depend on the model of PT being used. Included are the al-
locations for function keys.
Changing the Order of
Numeral Editing
Numeral Editing Section 2-8