Operation is basically the same as for copying with F1 except that the copy is
designated on the reference display and created on the creation display.
Area Set F4 is used to fill in a designated area on the creation display.
Area designation is basically the same as for copying with F1.
Area Clear F5 is used to clear all of the dots for a designated rectangular area on the
creation display. After being cleared, they are represented by small dots.
Area designation is basically the same as for copying with F1.
Inverse F6 is used to reverse all of the dots on the creation display.
Area designation is basically the same as for copying with F1.
Save F7 is used to register data in the creation display as a mark.
1, 2, 3...
1. Enter F7 (Save), the mark list will be displayed.
2. Specify the position in which to save the mark. If you specify a position
that already contains a mark, the existing mark will be overwritten by the
new one.
3. Press the Enter Key. Saving can be canceled by pressing the Escape
You can confirm that the mark has been saved by pressing F1.
Ending Mark Creation Press the Escape Key when finished creating mark to end mark creation and
return to the Screen Selection display. A confirmation display will appear.
Press the Enter Key to confirm or press the Escape Key to continue mark
Note Any data not saved when mark creating is ended will be lost. If ending mark
creation is canceled at the confirmation display, however, any unsaved data
will be maintained.
2-15 Stand-alone Operation
Stand-alone operation allows the PT touch switches, function keys, and Ex-
pansion I/O Units to be used to switch screens without receiving instructions
from a host. The Support Tool must be used to set up stand-alone operation.
Precautions When screens are changed during stand-alone operation, a screen number
request response is sent from the PT to the host.
If the same key number is allocated in multiple child screens, the key will be
effective only in the child screen with the smallest screen number.
The following screen numbers can be set.
NT20M: 1 to 250
NT600M: 1 to 1,000
The following touch switches and function keys can be allocated.
Touch switches:000 to 031
Function keys DF___: F1 to F12
Other: 01 to 31
Numeral editing will take priority if both numeral editing and stand-alone op-
eration are specified for the same screen. Although both numeral editing and
stand-alone operation use function keys and touch switch, the following li-
mitation apply to stand-alone operation if numeral editing is also being used.
Stand-alone Operation Section 2-15