Philips TV DVD Combo TV DVD Combo User Manual

Tle QuadraSurf rM buttons on your remote
ontrol allow you to store up to 10 chan-
nels per button (40 total). This is a great/k,a-
ture if you want to store all your favorite
Sports channels, Movie channels, or News
channels in one surf list. Family members can
have there own fi_vorite list of channels. You
can even program the external A/V Input
jacks (Front channel)for one of the buttons
making it a "source" button fi)r your external
accessory devices.
Assuming channels have now been added to
the four QuadraSulJ TM lists (the fimr colored
buttons on the remote, see the previous page),
let's review how the J_ature works.
Press one of the pre-programmed
COLORED buttons on the remote
(Red, Green, Yellow or Blue)_The
screen will display a smiley face with the
first programmed channel for that surf
While the colored "smiley" face still
appeaes on the screen, press the same
COLORED button on lhe remote to
tune the second channel programmed for
that specific surf list.
Repeatedly pressing the same COL-
ORED button while the "smiley" face
appears will tune all the programmed
channels for that specific surf list. After
the last channel is tuned, pressing the
COLORED button again will relum you
to the first channel in lhe list,
ff the "smiley" face disappears from the
screen and the same COLORED button
is pressed, the surf channels will be dis*
played starting wilh the FIRST pro-
grammed channel again,
Repeat steps 1-3 for the other three
COLORED buttons (Surf lists) if
Any time the "smiley" face appears
with the channel number, pressing the
'ffrownie" face button will allow you
to remove it from the list (see the pre-
vious page for more details).