Table Top Stand: PDK-TS07
After attachment, take measures to prevent it from
falling over.
7 Using a wall for stabilization
1 Attaching the accessory falling prevention bolts
(hooks) to the Plasma Display (two locations).
2 Using strong cords to firmly stabilize it appropriately
and firmly to a wall, pillar, or other sturdy element.
Perform this work in the same way on the left and
right sides.
Use cords and fittings (eye screw) that are available on
the market.
Min. 20 mm
(13/16 inch)
6 mm
(1/4 inch)
9 mm to 15 mm
(3/8 inch to 5/8 inch)
7 Stabilizing on the floor
Stabilize the equipment as shown in the diagram using
screws that are available on the market.
To stabilize the equipment
on the floor, use screws that
have a nominal diameter of
6 mm (1/4 inch) and that are
at least 20 mm (13/16 inch)
1 Falling prevention bolts
2 Cords
(eye screw)
[507CMX : 427CMX]