FIVE Monitor Functional Description 4.11
This control sets the master level for the Matrix and provides 10dB of gain when
fully clockwise.
The Matrix output is muted when the switch is pressed, and the integral LED illu-
minates to show that the MUTE is active. Note that TALKBACK may still be sent
to that output (if TB is pressed), as it is injected post-mute.
Pressing the latching TB switch arms the Matrix output to receive talkback from
the central talkback section on the Master, when the master TO OUTPUTS VIA
TB INT switch is active. The switch illuminates to warn that TB is armed. The
output is dimmed by 6dB when talkback is active. Alternatively, if the Master
Talkback signal is already active, pressing TB routes the Talkback signal to the out-
put, until the switch is released.
The SOLO switch routes the signal from the associated Matrix to the mono PFL
or stereo AFL busses of the desk, as defined in the Master SOLO mode. The feed
to the AFL bus is post-fade but pre-MUTE, allowing AFL SOLOing of MUTEd
Matrix Outputs.
The ALT switch sets the Matrix Output to feed the ALT SOLO busses instead of
the primary SOLO busses. The operator can now switch between two SOLO
Output systems when a secondary monitoring system is in use (e.g. Primary is
Wedge, Secondary is In-Ear).
A balanced Insert Point is provided, consisting of separate Send and Return jacks
on the rear panel. The Send is normalled to the Return.
The module comprises two identical Output sections which may be used individu-
ally or linked as a stereo pair.
The 100mm fader controls the final level to the electronically balanced output.
The output is muted when the switch is pressed, and the integral LED illuminates
to show that the MUTE is active.
Pressing the latching TB switch arms the output to receive talkback from the cen-
tral talkback section on the Master, when the master TO OUTPUTS VIA TB
INT switch is active. The switch illuminates to warn that TB is armed. The output
is dimmed by 6dB when talkback is active. Alternatively, if the Master Talkback
signal is already active, pressing TB routes the Talkback signal to the output, until
the switch is released. TB is injected post the meter takeoff point, so talkback sig-
nals do not appear on the meterbridge.