Surf Control v5.5 TV Receiver User Manual

SurfControl Web Filter for ISA v5.5 Starter Guide 11
Firewall Port Configuration
Web Filter for ISA requires you to edit your system policy to allow Web Filter to communicate across
certain network ports. Opening up these ports at the firewall will enable you to use all of the available Web
Filter services. For instructions on setting up ISA policy rules for Web Filter services, go to the section on
"Firewall Policy Rules" on page 65. The table below describes which ports need to be configured at the
firewall for each Web Filter service you want to use:
Table 2-1 Web Filter communication ports
Web Filter Service Port
Corporate Network Detection Service 51118
SMTP E-mail Notifications 25
EUM Login Agent 61695
EUM Login Agent for Netware 61696
Group enumeration in Active Directory (LDAPS) 636
Group enumeration in Active Directory and Netware (LDAP) 389
Live Updates Allow outbound access to *
Real-Time Monitor 5000
Remote Administration Client (UDP) 1024 - 65535
SurfControl Report Central Allow inbound access to 8888 and/or 8443
SQL Server (Remote installations only) Allow inbound and outbound access to 1433 -1434
User Name Resolution (NetBIOS) 139
Workstation name resolution 53
Workstation name resolution (WINS) 42