
SurfControl Web Filter for ISA v5.5 Starter Guide 43
Configuring Web Filter
25 The E-mail Notifications screen is displayed:
Web Filter can notify you when system events occur. Fill in the fields as follows:
E-mail Server: Enter the name or IP address of the e-mail server for your domain. Web Filter will
use this e-mail server to send notifications.
Recipient address: Enter the e-mail address of the systems administrator.
From address: enter the address that the notification e-mails will be delivered from.
Specify which Message Types you want to be notified of. Choose any or all of the following:
Service running status changes - Select this option if you would like to be notified about
changes in the Web Filter Service status.
Internet Threat Database license reminders - Select this option if you want to be notified about
the category database subscription expiration.
Scheduled task failures - Select this option if you want to be alerted about any scheduled tasks
which fail to run.
ISA 2004 event notifications (not available for ISA Server 2000) - Select this option if you want to
be alerted to Microsoft events which are specific to ISA 2004 or 2006.
26 When you have made your choices, click Next.
Caution: Entering E-mail server, Recipient and From e-mail address details on this screen will
overwrite any settings present in ISA Server for the ‘Service not responding’ and ‘Intrusion
detected’ alerts.