Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007 TVP5147M1PFP
VPS: VPS data available masked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
VITC: VITC data available masked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
CC F2: CC field 2 data available masked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
CC F1: CC field 1 data available masked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
Line: Line number interrupt masked
0 = Not available
1 = Available
The interrupt status 0 and 1 registers represent the interrupt status after applying mask bits. Therefore, the
status bits are the result of a logical AND between the raw status and mask bits. The external interrupt terminal
is derived from this register as an OR function of all nonmasked interrupts in this register.
Reading data from the corresponding register does not clear the status flags automatically. These flags are
reset using the corresponding bits in interrupt clear 0 and 1 registers.
2.11.86 Interrupt Status 1 Register
Subaddress F3h
Read only
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved H/V lock Macrovision status changed Standard changed FIFO full
H/V lock: H/V lock status changed mask
0 = H/V lock status unchanged
1 = H/V lock status changed
Macrovision status changed: Macrovision status changed masked
0 = Macrovision status not changed
1 = Macrovision status changed
Standard changed: Standard changed masked
0 = Video standard not changed
1 = Video standard changed
FIFO full: full status of FIFO masked
0 = FIFO not full
1 = FIFO was full during write to FIFO, see the interrupt mask 1 register at subaddress F5h for details (see
Section 2.11.88)