Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby""
Manufactured under license from BBE Sound, Inc.
Licensed by BBE Sound, Inc. under USP, 5510752 and 5736897. BBE and BBE sysbol are registered trademarks
of BBE Sound, Inc.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI
Licensing LLC.
DCDi by Faroudja is a registered trademark of Genesis Microchip Inc.
DLP (Digital Light Processing) and DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) are trademarks of Texas Instruments, Inc.
Some IC chip in this product includes confidential and/or trade secret property belonging to Texas Instruments.
Therefore you may not copy, translate, distribute, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or discompile the contents
WARING:FCC Regulations statethat any unauthorized changesor modifications tothis equipment notexpressly
approved bythe manufacturer couldvoid the usersauthority to operatethis equipment.
This productsatisfies FCC regulationswhen shielded cablesand connectors areused to connectthe unit toother
equipment. To prevent electromagneticinterference with electricappliances such asradios and televisions,use
shielded cablesand connectors forconnections.
This devicecomplies with Part15 of theFCC Rules. Operationis subject tothe following twoconditions:
(1) This devicemay not cause harmfulinterference, and (2)this device mustaccept any interferencereceived,
including interferencethat may causeundesired operation.
Vivitek Corp.
48017 FremontBlvd.
Fremont, CA94538
Service phonenumber : 1-877-603-3582
For BusinessCustomers : URLhttp://www.vivitekcorp.com
This equipmenthas been testedand found tocomply with thelimits for aClass B digitaldevice, pursuant toPart 15 of
the FCCRules. These limitsare designed toprovide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interferencein a residential
installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequencyenergy and, ifnot installed andused
in accordancewith the instructions,may cause harmfulinterference to radiocommunications. However, there is no
guarantee thatinterference will notoccur in aparticular installation. Ifthis equipment doescause harmful interference
to radioor television reception,which can bedetermined by turningthe equipment off and on,the user isencouraged
to tryto correct theinterference by oneor more ofthe following measures:
-Reorient orrelocate the receivingantenna.
-Increase theseparation between theequipment and receiver.
-Connect theequipment into anoutlet on acircuit different fromthat to whichthe receiver isconnected.
-Consult thedealer or anexperienced radio/TV technicianfor help.
"Note toCATV system installer:This reminder isprovided to callthe CATV system installersattention toArticle 820-40
of theNational Electrical Codethat provides guidelinesfor proper groundingand, in particular, specifies thatthe cable
ground shallbe connected tothe grounding systemof the building,as close tothe point ofcable entry aspractical."
This productutilizes tin-lead solder, and fluorescentlamp containing asmall amount ofmercury. Disposal ofthese
materials maybe regulated dueto environmental considerations.For disposal orrecycling information, pleasecontact
your localauthorities or theElectronic IndustriesAlliance :www.eia.org