
3. Diagnostics Applications
b. About Graph Display
If the data reading is a number (usually a sensor
reading), such as 14.4 V, 1.1 V, or 23 Amps, you
can use the Graph/ Graph Merge function buttons
to display the data in graph format. For example,
see Figures 3.32 and 3.33.
Figure 3.32: Live Data Screen-Graph Display
Figure 3.33: Live Data Screen-
Graph Merge Display
c. About Analog Display
If the data reading can be displayed as a graph
(see Figures 3.32 and 3.33), you can use the
Analog function button to display the data as an
analog gauge. Up to two gauges can be displayed
on one screen.
Figure 3.34: Live Data Screen - Analog Display
2. Record Data
The Record function allows you to save data files
to the SD card and then use the Playback function
to view the saved files.
NOTE: The length of time for each frame
varies per vehicle. Generally, one frame of
data is about 1/4 of a second, or 4 frames per
To record to SD Card, please follow these steps:
1. Follow the steps in the Sub-Section 3.3.1
Basic Live Data Procedure on page 19 to
display the Live Data screen.
Figure 3.35: Live Data Screen - Record Function
NOTE: The recording will include all data
lines in the list but not only the data viewable
on the screen.
2. Click on the Save function button. This does
the following:
Temporarily shades the Save function button.
Automatically records the frames of data that
occur after clicking on the button.
NOTE: You can record any number of files as
long as they fit on the free space on the SD
card. To stop recording, just click on the Stop
function button.
3. When the recording stops, continue viewing
live data or use the ESC button to return to
previous screens.
4. To view the saved data file, refer to Section
4.2 Playback on Page 29.