3. Diagnostics Applications
3.3.3 Custom Live Data
The Custom Live Data function allows you to
select specific data items to display on the
standard Live Data screen.
To use the Custom Live Data function, please
follow these steps:
1. Follow the instructions in Section 3.1 Test
Startup and Vehicle Connection on page 11 to
display the Function Menu screen.
Figure 3.38: Function Menu Screen
2. Click on Custom Live Data. This displays the
Custom Live Data selection screen.
Figure 3.39: Custom Live Data Selection Screen
– before Selection
3. Select the data items to include in the Live
Data display as follows:
Click on the data item to select. A check mark
appears in the box on the left side of the item.
Use the Pg Up or Pg Dn keys to display the
data item if the desired data items are not on
the current display.
Figure 3.40: Custom Live Data Selection Screen
- after Selections
NOTE: To deselect an item, select the item
again by clicking on the item. Optionally, use
the Select All and Clear All function keys to
select or deselect all of the items at once.
4. When finished selecting data items, click on
the OK function key to display the selected
items on the Custom Live Data screen.
Figure 3.41: Custom Live Data Screen