
5. System Setup
To add a hidden wireless network, please do the
Follow the step 1 and step 2 above in the
Section 5.2 on page 33 to display the WLAN
Settings window.
Click on the IP Info function bar and then on
the Config button. Wait for a WLAN Settings
window to pop up.
Figure 5.3: To Add a Wireless Network Manually
Select Use static IP address, and fill in the
Click on OK.
To remove a wireless network, arrange the order
of each network, or edit wireless network
information from the list of networks under
Preferred Networks, please do the following:
Select the wireless network, click on it and
hold for a few seconds and wait for the action
menu to pop up.
Select the action which you would
5.3. Network
The Network function allows you to adjust
network setting.
1. Properly insert the network cable into the RS
232 Serial Port of the scan tool.
2. Follow the instructions in the General
Procedures on page 33 to display the
Setup/Help screen.
3. Click on the Network icon and wait for
“DM9000A/9010 ISA Fast Ethernet Adapter
Settings” window to pop up.
Figure 5.4: Network
4. Do one of the followings to set up IP address:
If the local network will automatically assign
an IP address to a device, select “Obtain an IP
address via DHCP.
If IP address is not assigned automatically,
select “Specify an IP address”, obtain the
address from the network administrators and
enter it in the space.
5. Click on OK to save your configuration and