BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Working with Log Files 5-7
Step 3 Specify a file name and various rotation parameters for determining how
and when new log files are automatically created and old ones retired.
Table 5-2 describes the information needed to complete these fields.
Step 4 Click OK.
Table 5-2 Domain Log Setting dialog box fields
Field Name Action
File Name specify the name of the domain-wide log file
Rotation Type specify the method to use in determining when to start a new log file
this can be TIME, SIZE, or NONE
Rotation Size Threshold if the rotation type is SIZE, specify the number of kilobytes a log file
must contain before it is rotated out and a new log started
Rotation Time Span if the rotation type is TIME, set the number of hours that each log file
should span
Limit File Number? check this box to limit the number of rotated log files (old files) to retain
Limited File Number if the previous box is checked, then specify the maximum number of
files to retain; once the maximum number is reached, the oldest file is
deleted each time a log file rotation occurs