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Menu Summary C-7
Server Configuration reports WebLogic server configuration attributes
Server Connections reports network configuration attributes such as HTTP
settings, SSL settings, tuning parameters, and protocol
JMS Server Components configurable reports on JMS runtime data, such as
connection factories, templates, destination keys, file store,
JDBC store, or servers
WebLogic MBean
reports WebLogic configuration and runtime MBean
KM Administration
Set PSL Debug turn on or off flags indicating which types of scripting
language debug information should be saved
KM Debugging turn on or off debugging for a server instance; debug level
can be set and output file name and directory can be
Tune Collector turn on or off performance data collection for different
WebLogic features such as EJBs, JDBC pools, etc.
Schedule Blackout
temporarily suspend icon state changes and alerts
Start Recording record collector data
Stop Recording stop recording collector data
Restart Java Collector restart the PATROL Java collector
Force Objects Discovery run a complete discovery cycle (initiates the MainDiscovery
collector parameter)
Advance Monitoring
Configure... enable PATROL’s advanced performance monitoring features
and specify how the monitoring will occur; options are
available to set the level of monitoring (instrumentation and
profiling can be enabled or disabled), enable debugging, and
restart the server
Configure Method
configure the list of defined Java classes and enable the
method-level profiling
Table C-2 BEAWLS_SERVER commands (Part 3 of 4)
Menu Command Action