BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Menu Summary C-25
Garbage Collection instruct JVM to begin garbage collection, reclaiming memory
used by discarded JVM objects
Create JDBC Pool create a new JDBC connection pool
a connection pool is a collection of database connections
that can be used whenever a client requests a connection,
avoiding the overhead of establishing and releasing
connections at run time
Destroy JDBC Pool remove a previously created JDBC connection pool
Deploy EJB release a new Enterprise Java Bean for use; deploying an
EJB moves it into the applications directory for WebLogic
Remove EJB recall a previously deployed EJB; when an EJB is
un-deployed, clients will be unable to use the EJB, but the
deployment name remains in the .jar file and is available for
later updates
Create Session Pool create a new Jolt connection pool; a connection pool
maintains a pool of Jolt connections making it unnecessary
to allocate new connections whenever a client requests a
database connection; connections are reused from an
established resource pool
Remove Session Pool remove an existing Jolt session pool
Monitor Servlets specify servlets to be monitored
Configuration Report prepare a report listing server properties and their values
List JNDI Naming reports JNDI name mappings bonded to a server
License Information reports products, license numbers, and expiration dates
Registered Servlets produce a list of deployed web applications and servlet
Realm Information reports registered realm types and permissions
Table C-24 BEAWLS_SERVER_V51 commands (Part 2 of 4)
Menu Command Action