BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
InfoBox Summary D-19
Table D-25 describes the non-standard InfoBox information available
from the BEAWLS_DBURL_V51 icon.
Table D-3 describes the non-standard InfoBox information available from
the BEAWLS_EJB_V51 icon.
Table D-25 BEAWLS_DBURL_V51 InfoBox
Item Description
JDBC Connection Pool name of the JDBC connection pool
DBURL Name database URL name for this instance
Table D-26 BEAWLS_EJB_V51 InfoBox
Item Description
EJB Class name name of the EJB class
Idle Timeout Seconds maximum number of seconds that a bean can be inactive
before returning to free pool
Cache Capacity capacity of cache in number of beans
Free Pool Capacity number of beans that can be held in free pool
Cache Highwater Mark high water mark for the size of EJB cache or the number of
EJBs that can be cached
Deployment Name deployment name for this EJB (full path name to jar file)