The system accepts transactions identified as check, money order, COD,
cash, ACH, purchase order, invoice, gift certificate and giveaways. The
system can also be set up to automatically transfer electronic check and
ACH payments to a seller’s bank for processing.
Unlike many other payment processing services, AssureBuy rigorously scans
all orders prior to processing and reviews all processing information returned
by the processor. A review of this information may result in a situation where
the transaction should not be processed, as in the case of an order that does
not pass risk management, or when the cardholder’s bank is not available for
authorization at the time of purchase. In these cases, the AssureBuy
payment gateway returns neither an approval nor decline, but rather sends
the order to a hold status for further review. In all instances, AssureBuy
attempts to provide the highest level of valid and approved orders possible.
Simply declining such transactions, as many other processors do, would
potentially have the effect of turning away valid buyers.
View N Pay Processing
The second major feature of the AssureBuy payment gateway is its ability to
process invoice transactions. The invoice processing service supports the
View ‘N Pay hosted application.
Messaging Features
Upon completion of any transaction, the AssureBuy payment gateway has
the ability to send out one or more e-mail messages. These messages are
completely customizable by the seller and can include sales receipts or
purchase confirmations to the buyer, order notifications to the seller or to a
fulfillment center, order problem messages to a buyer, hold order
notifications to the seller’s customer service department or any other type of
message sent to any seller identified destination.
For regular order confirmations to the buyer and order notifications to the
seller, the AssureBuy payment gateway verifies that the messages were sent
by recording the time and date the message was delivered to the mail server.
Remote Integration
While the AssureBuy payment gateway provides a response to each request,
it has the capability to communicate with other remote applications as well.
Standard responses are sent back to the calling application in either name-
value pair or xml format. Similarly formatted responses can also be posted
to any remote URL capable of using secure HTTPS technology with SSL
The AssureBuy payment gateway can also securely post any custom
configured data stream to any remote URL and verify that the remote
processing script properly received the data by storing a response from the
remote script. The format of any data posted to a remote script is completely
user-defined for each remote script and the system is capable of sending
information to multiple scripts.
Transaction data may also be sent via e-mail on a regular basis to any e-mail
address supplied by the seller. Data sent in this fashion is usually configured
as delimited ASCII files for import into third-party applications. Again, the
format of the data sent via e-mail is completely customizable to the seller’s
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 11