CVV2 Response Codes
The CVV2 Response codes will vary greatly depending on the card type and
the credit card issuer. The table below lists the valid response codes for Visa
and MasterCard as of the printing of this manual.
Code Description
M Match
N No match
P Not Processed
S Should be on card but was not provided (Visa only)
U Issuer not certified
Watch Codes
If the seller has chosen to use the AssureBuy Fraud System, then the result
fields could include additional data that pertains to the fraud system. The
gateway will return a fraud response of “Y” if the transaction has passed all
the fraud tests or a response of “N” if the transaction failed any of the fraud
tests. In addition to the fraud response, each watch code that the transaction
failed will be returned as a two-letter code as part of the fraud value. For
more information on watch codes, please see “
Watch Codes” on page 19.
The fraud filters themselves are controlled through the AssureBuy Online
Administration System.
The final step in transaction processing is the settlement. All transactions
must be settled in order for the cardholder’s bank to release the funds to the
seller. Settlements are run in accordance with the acquiring bank’s
requirements. Batches are normally settled at least once a day but can also
be settled based on when the batch reaches a certain dollar amount, a
certain number of transactions, or based on how many hours the batch has
been open. The specific instructions for how and when a batch should be
settled will be determined at the time the seller is set up within the AssureBuy
system. The only time this will change is if the seller or the seller’s bank
requests a change. So once the settings are determined on a batch closure,
the seller can then use that as a guide as to whether or not a transaction can
be voided from a batch.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Payment Gateway • 31