Filter Description
FL The first name and last name fields contain the same
information. This usually indicates that a customer has
either typed or copied garbage information into the
transaction fields.
ID The domain for the specified e-mail address is invalid or
cannot be identified as a valid Internet domain.
NC No capital letters were entered in any of the name fields.
This practice sometimes indicates that a transaction is
NA The last name field and the address field contain the same
information. This usually indicates that a customer has
either typed or copied garbage information into the
transaction fields.
SZ The postal code entered for the current transaction is not
consistent with the state/province entered.
TX The format of the entered telephone number is not
consistent with the address for the current transaction.
VC The number of vowels located in one of the name fields is
inconsistent with the numbers found in valid names.
VO No vowels were found in a value entered into the one of the
name fields.
Value Watch Codes
Value watch codes require the seller to enter a threshold or value against
which the filter may compare the transaction data. The values should be set
according to the seller’s business. For example, a seller whose main product
is $500.00 would not want to set a transaction total limit to $200.00.
However, a seller with items costing $5.00 might want to consider a
transaction total limit of $100.00.
Code Fraud Test Description
IC Too many items have been ordered. A high number of line
items on a transaction can sometimes indicate fraud.
IQ An item being purchased on this transaction has an unusually
high quantity. Ordering a high number of a single item
sometimes indicates fraud.
OV The buyer's transaction total exceeds the seller threshold limit.
The seller determines the high limit during the payment
gateway setup. High limit should be set according to a seller's
typical transaction amount. If a seller's average transaction
amount is $100.00, then the high limit might be set at $150.00.
TM The current transaction was placed at a time of day
considered to be high risk for the products being offered by
this seller.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 20