
Field Name Description
Process Holds For the transaction processing, the seller must
chose a sales process hold value to be used
when the payment processing ends with the
specified result. The values entered for these
must exist in the process holds master table.
Declines Choose the sales process hold that should be
attached to the transaction when the transaction
has been declined. This process hold should
apply to Posting and, if desired, to Printing
Documents. See the section on “
Authorization Before Printing Picking Tickets or
Packing Slips
” on page 48 for more information.
Holds Choose the sales process hold that should be
attached to the transaction when the transaction
has been placed on hold. This process hold
should apply to Posting and, if desired, to Printing
Documents. See the section on “
Authorization Before Printing Picking Tickets or
Packing Slips
” on page 48 for more information.
Errors Choose the sales process hold that should be
attached to the transaction when the transaction
has received an error from the AssureBuy
payment gateway. This process hold should
apply to Posting and, if desired, to Printing
Documents. See the section on “
Authorization Before Printing Picking Tickets or
Packing Slips
” on page 48 for more information.
Uncaptured Choose the sales process hold that should be
added when an authorization transaction has
been approved but has not yet been captured.
This process hold should apply to Posting only.
The remaining section of the setup screen consists of options that can be
turned on or off by selecting the check box next to the option. These options
determine how the system functions in certain situations.
Field Name Description
Use AVS System By selecting this check box, the system will send
AVS information to the AssureBuy payment
gateway during each transaction. The AVS
system typically only works for credit cards issued
in the United States. If this option is enabled, then
the billing address information must be complete
on all transactions or the AssureBuy payment
gateway will return an error.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup 44