2) If the system cannot find an address for the customer that matches
the default address ID, then the system will use the BillTo address
attached to the current document.
3) If the system cannot find a default address or the BillTo address for
the document, then the system will take the address directly from the
current document.
4) If all of the above three fail, then the system will display the fields as
blank. Due to the nature of the Great Plains system, the probability
that the system will have to display blank fields is very low.
Field Description
Address ID The address ID field displays the Great Plains
address ID used to auto complete the address
information. If the wrong address is listed, a list
of the customer’s addresses is available by
selecting the lookup icon to the right of the field
and selecting a different address field.
Cardholder The cardholder field displays the name on the
customer’s credit card or, more specifically, the
name of the person to which the credit card was
Address The address fields display the street address
information. This information should match what
is on file at the customer’s bank in order to
receive a positive AVS result.
City The city field displays the customer’s city.
State The state field displays the state for the billing
Postal Code The postal code field displays the postal code
information. This information should match what
is on file at the customer’s bank in order to
receive a positive AVS result.
Country The country code field displays the country.
This field is also important for AVS. AVS only
works for cards issued within the United States
so no AVS information is sent for international
credit cards. Use the lookup icon to select from
a list of all available country codes.
Country Code The country code field will automatically display
the ISO standard code for the customer’s
country. If the country code is not automatically
displayed, then the system does not recognize
the country entered in the country field. Please
check the country to verify that the spelling is
correct. If the spelling is correct, please refer to
ISO 3166 Standard Country Codes” on page
Email The email address field is available to enter the
customer’s email address. This information is
used in conjunction with the AssureBuy fraud
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 64