The next section of fields lists the system settings for the AssureBuy/Great
Plains payment processing interface. Some of these system options will
affect the way certain situations are handled with the system.
Field Name Description
Default Address ID The Default Address ID field contains the default
customer address type to be used as the BillTo
address for credit card transactions. For example,
one customer might have three different
addresses in the Great Plains system: a
warehouse address, corporate address and a
credit card address. If the default address ID is
set to the credit card address, then for any credit
card transactions the credit card address will be
auto filled into the AssureBuy Payment
Processing window. For Address Verification
purposes, the address that will be associated with
the AssureBuy Payment Processing window
should match the address on file with the
customer’s credit card company.
Default IP The Default IP field contains a default IP address.
The AssureBuy payment gateway requires that
every transaction be sent with an IP address. As
this might not always be available, the default IP
address will be sent to fulfill the IP address
requirement. The Default IP address can be any
valid IP address the seller chooses.
If the seller is using the AssureBuy Fraud System,
the seller would need to enter the default IP
address into the IP address override so that
multiple transactions with the default IP address
do not go on hold. The other option would be to
deactivate the XP and XR fraud filters. For more
information about the Fraud System Maintenance,
please contact AssureBuy support.
Close Payment
The close payment screen field determines under
what conditions the system will automatically
close the AssureBuy Payment Processing window
after a transaction is processed in real-time.
Never – The system will never automatically close
the payment window.
On Approval Only – The system will only
automatically close the payment window when the
transaction is approved. If an error occurs or if
the transaction is put on Hold by the AssureBuy
Fraud system, the window will remain open.
On Approvals & Declines – The system will only
automatically close the payment window when the
transaction is either approved or declined.
Always – The system will always close the
payment window when the transaction has
completed processing.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 43