Nashville Platform
If the seller’s merchant bank is set up to process on the Nashville platform,
the seller’s bank will need to know the following information about the
AssureBuy payment gateway.
Product Name IntegriCharge (g/w)
Product ID 819806
Vendor Name PaylinX
Vendor ID 198
If the seller’s merchant account is not set up with the above specifications
then the seller’s merchant account will not work with the AssureBuy payment
gateway. To complete the setup process for AssureBuy, the seller’s bank
needs to provide a merchant ID (mid) and a terminal ID (tid), which will be
entered into the AssureBuy payment gateway.
Description Characters Field Type
FDC Merchant ID 11(zero fill) Numeric
Terminal ID 11(zero fill) Numeric
South Platform
The FDMS South platform is a high-volume processing network that is only
available to certain businesses. As a result, the setup process is different for
each merchant account. When setting up a seller that uses the FDMS South
platform, AssureBuy will need to work directly with the seller’s bank and First
Data to complete the setup process for the seller. AssureBuy is a certified
payment gateway, which will help speed the setup process along. However,
AssureBuy will need to schedule testing time with the FDMS South platform
and be approved for processing before the seller will be allowed to start
sending live credit card transactions. Since AssureBuy is directly involved
with both the acquiring bank and First Data, the seller does not need to
obtain any special information from the bank.
Gateway Options Setup
In order for AssureBuy to complete the setup of the seller’s account in the
payment gateway, the seller must decide which of the payment gateway
options will be used. The payment gateway options include the settings that
tell AssureBuy how to handle the data passed to the gateway, such as how
to handle tax and shipping calculations. These gateway options are
collected by AssureBuy during the setup process.
Fraud System Setup
AssureBuy’s fraud system is a filtering technology consisting of multiple fraud
tests that center on validating the information contained within the
transaction. The filters use a variety of methods that allow the seller to set
thresholds, restrictions, and establish lists of fraudulent transaction data.
Certain fraud filters also allow a seller to enter an override to avoid flagging
orders from valuable customers as potential fraud. The override will allow
the buyer’s transaction to process despite having failed that fraud test.
The AssureBuy fraud system is comprised of three main components: the
fraud filter, the watch code and the watch action. The fraud filters perform the
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 16