Algorithms in Crypto-C
106 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
AI_DESX_CBCPadBER DESX-CBC, 8-byte IV, BER-encoded
algorithm identifier
PKCS #5 a
AI_DESX_CBC_BSAFE1 DESX-CBC, 8-byte IV, padding optional;
backward compatibility with BSAFE 1.x
AI_RC2_CBC RC2-CBC, 8-byte IV
AI_RC2_CBCPad RC2-CBC, 8-byte IV PKCS #5
AI_RC2_CBCPadBER RC2-CBC, 8-byte IV, BER-encoded
algorithm identifier
PKCS #5 a
AI_RC2_CBCPadPEM RC2-CBC, 8-byte IV, PEM-encoded
algorithm identifier
RFC 1423 a
AI_RC2_CBC_BSAFE1 RC2-CBC, 8-byte IV, padding optional;
backward compatibility with BSAFE 1.x
AI_RC5_CBC RC5-CBC, 8-byte IV
AI_RC5_CBCPad RC5-CBC, 8-byte IV PKCS #5
Initialization Vector
AI_CBC_IV8 Resets the IV in a CBC algorithm during
an Update or a Final for all CBC AIs
except AI_FeedbackCipher
AI_RESET_IV Resets the IV in a CBC algorithm during
an Update or a Final for all CBC
implementations of AI_FeedbackCipher
Password-Based Encryption
These composite algorithms generate a symmetric key by digesting a password with a salt, then using
the key for block cipher encryption.
Not all message digests are recommended. See “Message Digests” on page 47 for details.
AI_MD2WithDES_CBCPad MD2 digest followed by DES-CBC PKCS #5
AI_MD2WithDES_CBCPadBER MD2 digest followed by DES-CBC,
BER-encoded algorithm identifier
PKCS #5 a
AI_MD2WithRC2_CBCPad MD2 digest followed by RC2-CBC PKCS #5
Table 4-6 Symmetric Block Ciphers (Continued)
Algorithm Info Type Description Padding BER PEM