
Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
6 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developers Guide
ANSI X9 Standards and Crypto-C
Crypto-C also complies with a number of standards established by the X9 Financial
Services Industry committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). If
you are writing a financial or government application that must comply with one of
the X9 standards, you may benefit by using Crypto-C. This release is fully compliant
with the following ANSI X9 standards:
The ANSI X9.31 Standard, which specifies an implementation of RSA Digital
Signatures (rDSA). (Note that this implementation also complies with the NIST
standard for rDSA, specified in FIPS PUB 186-2, as mentioned previously.)
The ANSI X9.62 Standard, which specifies an implementation of the Elliptic
Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).
For more information, see the X9 Web site at