Summary of the Six Steps
32 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Summary of the Six Steps
A typical implementation uses the six steps as follows:
Step 0: Include
Include the necessary header files. In addition, make sure that:
• Your compiler can locate the Crypto-C header files.
• Your compiler can locate and link in the Crypto-C library.
• You compile and link in the file containing the definitions for the T_ functions; an
example is provided in
Step 1: Create
Create an algorithm object by declaring a variable to be an algorithm object and
Step 2: Set
Use B_SetAlgorithmInfo to associate the algorithm object with an algorithm and to
supply any special information or parameters the algorithm requires.
Step 3: Init
Choose the operations the algorithm object can perform by supplying the desired
algorithm methods from the Crypto-C library. If the algorithm requires a key, create
and set a key object that will supply the key data that the algorithm needs.
Step 4: Update
Initiate an action. The action depends on the algorithm. Update is the only step that
can be performed more than once on the same object. For example:
• For an encryption or decryption algorithm, an Update step encrypts or decrypts
all or part of the data. You can use multiple Update steps to encrypt or decrypt
• For a message digest, the Update step is used to enter the data to digest.
• For a random number generator, the Update step is used to seed the random
number generation.